Dhipinder Walia
With the support of our FIG, I crafted a course that engaged in community-focused writing. Students read about grassroots activism that started in the Bronx, interviewed members of their communities, and developed projects grounded in community needs. Because I’ve always been interested in “alternative histories” and “marginalized stories,” I knew the zine would be the perfect methodology for engaging with community-based research. The zine is at its core personal, niche, and not made to replicate mainstream information. The zine embodies both the writer(s) and reader(s) who share it. So, in that way it embodies community while also creating new communities. What follows is my syllabus zine, my zine about zines, and students’ zines about various communities and community practices. I hope you’ll save them and share with others!
Zine SyllabusEnglish Composition II Syllabus as a Zine created by Dhipinder Walia. You can read more about the process on the Visible Pedagogy post, Stop, Collaborate, and Zine.
121 Eng Zine DWGuide to the Zine project where students work in groups to develop and publish a zine related to the first half of the semester’s theme: higher education.
More Zine Projects here.